Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Complete breakdown of Justice

The other day I was parked on Commercial Street and enjoying a nice cup of tea. After I finished that and came back to my car I saw two cars. A silver Wagon R parked behind me and a black Esteem parked in front of me. Both of them having left no space for me to move out of there.
After a little while my friend who was with me called the cops and they assured us that they were sending a tow truck, but let's face it, this is Bangalore or should I say Bengaluru, the land where justice is dead. Needless to say no tow truck ever came. I walked around and found a cop who laughed and said nothing could be done. After a little wait another cop came strolling by and I asked him to help. He stood there with all the urgency in the world of a pig on dope.

A little time passed and the two ugly, fat 'lalas' who owned the black esteem came and when I asked them to see how they had parked the car and the prompt reply came "abee asshole get lost, what'll you do?"

Obviously upset I asked the guy to apologize and he said "go get a cop if you can, you're you
bugging me". Fortunately there was a cop standing, agreed he looked more lost than an ant without a trail. Seeing this both the guys came out of the car and the passenger tried to hit me. Seeing this my friend came out of the car and he started abusing her. Now there were four cops, all as quiet as bats. A little later these guys hit me, punched me, cops stepping back a little now. I being absolutely quiet at this stage and turned to the cops asking them to do something. My friend by now also angry was asking these jerks to back off but these guys just kept going. When they finally stopped we asked the cops to do something and the cop responds
"We're not a witness to this".
The two fucked up guys sat in the car and left.

So in a state or country where the law doesn't help the victims one is forced to wonder is justice blind or do they choose to keep a piece of underwear tied around their eyes?

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